Can we capitalize a customer list under IFRS?
If you purchase a customer list from someone else, can you actually capitalize it (recognize it as an asset)? Isn’t is just the same as the advertising expense? When can you capitalize a customer list under IFRS? Learn here!
How to Account for Intangible Assets under IAS 38
Is it an asset or an expense? How to account for amortization? What if the asset has indefinite useful life? Learn here in our newest article with the video in the end!
IAS 38: Intangible Asset or Expense?
Recently I had an argument with auditors of one company related to the customer list they bought. The company paid significant amount of cash for the list of customers of telecommunications. The list contained the names, addresses and phone numbers of all the clients. And,…
How to Test Goodwill for Impairment
When a company acquires control over another company, then often a goodwill arises, too. You should present it as an intangible asset, but when you think about it carefully, a goodwill is not a typical asset, because unlike other assets, you cannot sell it to…
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