Brief IFRS Glossary
International Financial Reporting Standards are usually presented in a certain structure. Most of IFRS is clearly subdivided into several chapters that carry their titles, for example: Recognition, Measurement, Derecognition etc. This article defines the main terms as used in IFRS and shows example of their application….
How to Adjust Your Local Accounts to IFRS (Part 2)
In the first part of this small series, we have explained preparatory steps for making transformation of local accounts to IFRS. Here, we continue with summing all this up and preparing transformation bridge as the basis for IFRS accounts. Step 3: Prepare a bridge in excel…
How to Adjust your Local Accounts to IFRS (Part 1)
Today’s accounting world works on a single set of accounting and financial reporting standards. As a basis, IFRSs happen to play a crucial role. Nowadays, we are witnessing a huge progress of convergence to IFRS—not only by US GAAP, but also other countries are adopting…
IFRS and US GAAP come closer to each other and the dream was to have a single set of the reporting standards until 2015. Now we know that that dream did not come true and there is still a long way to go. Until then, there…
Top Excel Formulas for IFRS
This is another useful tip I would like to give you. With these formulas, you can really speed up your IFRS accounting process, especially when dealing with sophisticated calculations. So let’s start. Top Financial Formula #1: IRR What is IRR? IRR formula calculates Internal Rate of Return for…
How to Learn IFRS (Part 2)
In the first part of this article, we have learned how to acquire basic knowledge about IFRS and what are pros and cons of face-to face training. Today, we will look to some self-study options and easy accessible sources of news and actual developments in…
How to Learn IFRS (Part 1)
The world has been constantly moving to the single set of global accounting rules. There is a strong ambition to adopt IFRS as a unified set of financial reporting standards all over the planet by 2015. So yes, I understand that accountants and other finance…
What is IFRS?
IFRS stands for International Financial Reporting Standards and it is a set of principles and rules for reporting various transactions and items in the financial statements. Just like United States have their US GAAP, Canada has its Canadian GAAP, United Kingdom has its UK GAAP etc,…
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