Can you capitalize rental expenses of land?
Can you capitalize rental expenses of land under IFRS? And what about the rental of the temporary offices? Find out here!
How to determine the discount rate for lessees under IFRS 16?
Can you use the same incremental borrowing rate for all your leases under IFRS 16? Why can’t you use your own implicit rate in the lease if you are a lessee? Learn here!
What is the lease term of cancellable property rental contracts under IFRS 16?
What is the lease term under IFRS 16? How to account for definite or indefinite lease term with 2-months notice period? Learn here.
How to account for rentals depending on inflation and future sales?
What if your lease payments depend on future sales, inflation, use of the asset, interest rate or other things – what should you do? How should you account for them under IFRS 16? Find out here!
How to present leases under IFRS 16 in the statement of cash flows (IAS 7)
How to incorporate leases under IFRS 16 into the statement of cash flows – solved example with video.
Example: Leases under IFRS 16 during COVID-19
The pandemics of coronavirus, or COVID-19 has been here for a while and after the first shock of its quick spread and effect on people’s health, we are all seeing its economic consequences. In order to stop the spread, governments in many countries ordered complete…
Adopting IFRS 16 – What Is The Best Option For You?
Let’s compare different transition options that you have when adopting IFRS 16 in your company. Let’s see what they are, which one is easier and which one has the smallest impact on your equity.
IFRS 2019 Update: Major changes you should be aware of
Here we go again – another year has started and a number of changes or amendments of IFRS came into effect. I am pretty sure that you are aware of the biggest ones like new IFRS 16, but let me sum up all the new…
Example: How to Adopt IFRS 16 Leases
In my last article I tried to outline the strategy and your choices when implementing the new lease standard IFRS 16 Leases. I am grateful for many responses and comments I got from you. Almost all e-mails I received from you asked me to publish…
How to Implement IFRS 16 Leases
The new lease standard IFRS 16 is exactly one of these earthshaking things that can make your head spin around. Well, especially if your company uses the operating lease as an effective tool of getting your assets quickly with relatively low risk. I wrote a…
Recent Comments
- Joe on How to Account for Government Grants (IAS 20)
- Essam Alshammaa on Example: IFRS 10 Disposal of Subsidiary
- Senzo on Lease term when contract is for indefinite period
- Silvia on How to account for free assets received under IFRS
- Salman Sohail on New window blinds in a leased office
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