How to determine the fair value of a machine?
Market prices of most non-financial assets are usually not available, because these assets might be outdated or highly customized or simply not traded on the market. How do you set the fair value of these assets in this case? Learn here!
How to Account for Artwork under IFRS
A few weeks ago I visited our dentist together with my little 4-year old girl just to check up everything’s OK with her little teeth. While we were sitting in the waiting room, my little one playing with the small teeth replicas (OMG!), I looked…
Top 5 IFRS 2014 and 2013 Changes
The year 2013 started off with some really significant IFRS amendments that you need to take into account when preparing your IFRS financial statements as at 31 December 2013. Although these changes should be applied in the year 2013 for the first time, you also…
IFRS 13 Fair Value Measurement
Many IFRS standards require you to measure the fair value of some items. Just name the examples: financial instruments, biological assets, assets held for sale and many other. In the past, there was limited guidance on how to set fair value; the guidance was spread…
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