Complete IFRS Consolidation Lecture: IFRS 3 | IFRS 10 | Examples
This is a complete almost 80-minute IFRS consolidation lecture that puts you on the solid starting point: The content of this lecture (with links to text versions) Introduction to group accounts / consolidation IFRS 3 Business Combinations – summary of rules IFRS 10 Consolidated Financial…
Intro To Consolidation And Group Accounts – Which Method For Your Investment?
Last update: December 2024 Group accounting – what to do and how to start? The accounting method depends on the type of investment that an investor has. In this article, you will learn: What shall we do to start? IFRS Accounting Standards dealing with group…
IFRS 2019 Update: Major changes you should be aware of
Here we go again – another year has started and a number of changes or amendments of IFRS came into effect. I am pretty sure that you are aware of the biggest ones like new IFRS 16, but let me sum up all the new…
Accounting for Deemed Disposal of Associate (IAS 28)
Sometimes, the things can happen behind your back – without you even noticing. And, these things can affect you somehow. Let me tell you a short story. I participated in an audit of a big insurance company and our senior asked me to look at…
How The Groups Change
Group accounts are a very popular topic and yes, I can understand it as it’s a main topic for many accounting exams. I have written a few articles about it, including: Intro to group accounts and consolidation; Example: How to consolidate; and a few summaries…
IAS 28 Investments in Associates and Joint Ventures
Let’s focus on associates, joint ventures, significant influence and equity method today. You have already learned various aspects of having control over some investment: how to identify it, how to account for it and we also learned basic consolidation procedures step by step. It was…
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