When to start depreciation?
After graduating from a university I started my career in a famous, then Big 5 audit company. If you work in auditing I bet you got the worst tasks and assignments during your first year at work! Just as I did. I remember taking part…
How to Account for Government Grants (IAS 20)
Almost every government supports certain companies or business by providing grants or other kind of assistance. As this is clear benefit and advantage comparing with other companies without such an assistance, it should be properly reported in the financial statements. How? Let’s explain the rules…
Current or Non-Current?
Most balance sheets present individual items in distinction to current and non-current (except for banks and similar institutions). This seems so basic and obvious that most of us do not really think about classifying individual assets and liabilities as current and non-current. We do it…
How to Capitalize Borrowing Costs under IAS 23
Should you capitalize or not? When it comes to determining the cost of your assets, most standards ask to include all directly attributable items. What about interest and other borrowing costs? Did you know that if you have 10 dollars in your pocket and no…
3 Biggest Myths in Accounting for PPE
I often talk with many professionals about a practical application of IFRS and the topic of long-term tangible asset is very frequent. To my surprise I found out that a lot of them believed that with regard to accounting for property, plant and equipment (especially…
Accounting for Prepayments in Foreign Currency under IFRS
Last update: 2023 Transactions in foreign currencies are sometimes a nightmare. Obviously, we are trading with each other, our own currencies are different and foreign exchange rates are jumping up and down constantly. We are all aware of basic rules with regard to selection of…
Top 5 IFRS Changes Adopted in 2014
The year 2014 brought us some very significant changes in IFRS. While some changes might not give you a hard time to adopt, the other changes can cost you a lot of money and time to make them effective in your company. The year 2014…
Can you capitalize it as PPE or not?
Last update: 2023 Is it an item of property, plant and equipment or a part of its cost? Or is it a piece of inventories instead? Or just an expense that goes straight in profit or loss? Hmmm, what about an intangible asset? In 90%…
How to Account for Artwork under IFRS
A few weeks ago I visited our dentist together with my little 4-year old girl just to check up everything’s OK with her little teeth. While we were sitting in the waiting room, my little one playing with the small teeth replicas (OMG!), I looked…
Our machines are fully depreciated, but we still use them! What shall we do?
Do you work in the production company? And did you find out that some of your production assets are still in operation but they were fully depreciated? In this case, the original estimate of machinery’s useful life proved to be incorrect. Here’s one of the…
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- Silvia on Example: How to Consolidate
- Elsa on Example: How to Consolidate
- Silvia on Example: How to Consolidate
- Silvia on What are directly attributable costs?
- Aminur on What are directly attributable costs?
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