How to Prepare Statement of Changes in Equity under IFRS 18 (with excel and video)
As the new IFRS 18 has been adopted, it might bring a bit of turmoil to some accountants who might need to change the structure of their accounts to adjust to the new requirements. The good news is that the rules for the statement of…
IFRS 18 Presentation and Disclosure in Financial Statements: summary
IFRS 18 was issued in 2024 and is mandatorily applicable for the period starting on or after 1 January 2027, with earlier application permitted. However, please watch out because we need to apply IFRS 18 retrospectively, with the restatement of the comparative period. It means…
How to classify expenses in profit or loss statement under IFRS?
How to classify depreciation of warehouse? Is it cost of sales or administrative expense? What to do when the classification changes? Learn here!
Accounting for CAPEX threshold and its change under IFRS
What happens when you buy lots of assets below your capex threshold, but still high expense? And, should you revise your capex threshold retrospectively? Learn here!
How to Write Notes to Financial Statements under IFRS
Warren Buffett once said: “Other guys read Playboy. I read annual reports.” This is a profound statement indicating that Warren Buffett actually takes his time to go through a complete annual report, including the financial statements and notes. Thus, Mr. Buffett does NOT consider the…
How to prepare financial statements when going concern does NOT apply?
IFRS do not specify any rules for presenting the financial statements when the going concern basis does not apply. So, what to do? How to present the financial statements? What should we take care of? Find out here!
How to present a loan with breached covenants?
So, you have a long-term loan, you breached the covenants and it became repayable on demand. Is it current or non-current? Learn here!
Coronavirus and IFRS – What is happening?
Over past few months, coronavirus became the most mentioned word everywhere. No wonder – not only it takes lives of our dear ones, but it also affects our daily life in many different ways. In many countries, people cannot go to work, kids cannot go…
How to make a change in functional currency
Some time ago I was a part of an audit team auditing the financial statements of a medium-sized manufacturing company. When we received the trial balance of that client, we spotted something strange: There were loads of transactions in a foreign currency and resulting impact…
IFRS 2019 Update: Major changes you should be aware of
Here we go again – another year has started and a number of changes or amendments of IFRS came into effect. I am pretty sure that you are aware of the biggest ones like new IFRS 16, but let me sum up all the new…
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