Impairment and subsequent depreciation
We recognized impairment loss on one of our buildings because its fair value was by CU 40 000 lower than its carrying amount.
We depreciated that building on a straight-line basis over 40 years.
How should we continue depreciating the building after recognition of impairment loss?
Should we reverse a part of impairment to offset depreciation charge for next year or should we only adjust future depreciation charges?
I have two points to this question:
1) Impairment loss
I would like to emphasise that to calculate the impairment loss, you should compare recoverable amount with the carrying amount.
Recoverable amount is greater of fair value less cost to sell and value in use.
Having that said, it may happen that the fair value will be lower than the carrying amount because of the economic situation (market crash… whatever).
But, if the value in use is greater than carrying amount, then there is no impairment, because the value in use, not fair value, would be taken as a recoverable amount.
Just watch this out. I know it is easier to pay expert to do the work instead of calculating value in use, but sometimes this work pays off and is shown in better financial results.
2) Subsequent depreciation charges
The standard IAS 36 says it clearly in paragraph 63: you should revise the depreciation charge to reflect the new carrying amount. In your case when you depreciate on a straight-line basis, calculate the new charge as the new carrying amount after impairment loss (less residual value, if any) divided by the remaining useful life.
Please, do NOT reverse the impairment loss to adjust the depreciation charge. This is not permitted.
You can reverse the impairment loss only when there is a change in estimates that you used to determine the impairment. This is not the case here.
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