FAQ–Certification and CPD Training
From the certain point of time, we have started to receive a lot of questions about certification of our training. Truly speaking, I understand that no one watches videos on IFRS just for fun, but also in order to improve professional qualification and gain some CPD units, if possible.
Here, let me emphasise the main goal of our courses. We absolutely want to provide you the Practical Tools that could be easily applied in your daily job. Not only the rules and principles of individual IFRSs are explained, but every bit of a theory is illustrated on real-case scenarios in Excel. So when you deal with the similar situation in the real life, you can seek the solution in our course material, apply formulas, construct tables and follow procedures similar to those in our MS Excel examples. No more troubles with internal rates of return, cash flow statements, value in uses and other stuff.
Why am I writing this? Just to demonstrate that certification of our training was not the first thing in our minds when we designed this site. But because I understand your concerns, let me clarify this for once and answer several questions.
Q: Is your training certified by any professional body?
A: No. In fact, I prepare the most trainings myself in cooperation with several highly qualified professionals. The cost of certification by professional body–any of them–would be just unbearable and logically, we would have to pass it to our customers by increasing a price for video. That’s certainly not the thing we would like to do. Instead, we wish to maintain the price for videos affordable while keeping the top quality.
Q: How can I be sure that your training is a high-quality?
A: Well, you can never be sure that the service you are just about to consume will be a high-quality, right? Sometimes, you get an excellent service (in any area) from a no-name, and sometimes even a hundred certificates of provider will not save you from dreadful experience. But the good news is that all consultants who prepared the training including myself have a professional qualification in their area. I am a member of ACCA from 2004 with more than 15 years of professional background. So although our training is not certified itself, the people who prepared it are “certified”–that is our guarantee of quality.
Q: Can I use your training for CPD purposes?
A: It depends on professional association and its rules. For example, ACCA recognizes so-called “unit route” for achieving CPD, where you shall obtain at least 40 CPD units per year (1 unit = 1 hour of development). Of those 40 units, 21 must be verifiable and other 19 can be non-verifiable. ACCA states that no matter what your learning activity is, if 1. it is relevant to your career, 2. you can explain how you will apply the learning in the workplace and 3. you can provide evidence that you undertook the learning activity, then you can record that learning activity as verifiable for CPD.
That implies that if you fulfil all 3 conditions, watching our videos would perfectly count as learning activity for ACCA. As most of our videos take 1-1.5 hrs, you can get 1 CPD unit. As for other professional associations, I really don’t know–just check their website for clear rules.
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hello good morning i just want to inquiry about ifrs diploma certificate . could you please guide me how i cn to enroll and get the ifrs diploma from your prestigious organization
I am confident, highly driven individual in finance and accounting role with practical to coordinate, administer, control, monitor, and periodically summarize the extent of financial operations and performance of the Company currently I am Project Finance Head in construction industry. Really your journals are so much supportive for those people like me in developing countries, and also you aspire and update me more in IFRS. Especially I am confused always with these concepts, but know I clear with these concepts. Really Thank for your cooperation keep it Up. In my countries there is lack of expertise that is specialized in IFRSs, Please, Can you say some thing on Employee benefit calculation (IAS 16) ?
Hello Silvia and thanks for unique work. My expertise is taxation and i was thinking of studying for the Acca ifrs diploma. Do you believe that ifrs kit along with approved material are enough to pass the exams?
Hi Konstantinos,
thank you for your enquiry. I tried to make IFRS Kit aligned with ACCA’s exams as much as it goes while making it also practical and useful. So, if you take IFRS Kit, I am sure you are on a good way to pass as you will not only memorize theory, but also learn to apply the concepts. But, I recommend checking some minor areas yourself, too as they are not covered. However, the greatest and toughest topics like consolidation and financial instruments are covered quite well.
How can I Join Free IFRS?
Hi Silvia,
I have purchased the IFRS Kit and am so far absolutely fascinated by the quality of content included by you/team. I am a chartered accountant myself and can definitely vouch that those learning from your materials are going through some of the highest quality services in a fun to learn manner. Some of the more difficult standards have been explained in a seamless manner with sufficient practical examples which I’m sure anyone can easily understand. I totally appreciate your cause towards this. Looking forward to completing the course.
Hi Vishnu, this is indeed great to read. Thank you, I am very happy that you like my training 🙂
Hi Silvia, I am VERY interested in your full IFRS course and would like to start it asap- I read how you may have discounts and would love to take advantage of this. Kindly advise. Thanks very much.
Got your e-mail response- thanks a million, Silvia! Can’t wait to start 🙂
You are an incredible individual – you empower others who sometimes cannot afford this training otherwise in a way that is easy to understand. I am very grateful for your free material which has helped me tremendously. I can’t wait to purchase your IFRS Box and delve further into the material.
I pray God’s blessings over you and your team, may he always guide and inspire you to do His will through your offerings (work).
With gratitude,
Hi June,
thank you so much for your kind feedback. This always moves me forward. All the best,S.
How do i get details of this discount? I am interested in the IFRS Kit.
Please write me an e-mail or contact me here. S.
hi silvia,
which of the standards are not covered in the course.
Hi happy,
the actual list of topics covered is here in this brochure: http://www.cpdbox.com/wp-content/uploads/IFRS_Kit_ProgramTour.pdf
For the topics not covered, I send you additional materials to study + my assistance when you’re stuck. So if you’re studying for an exam, you’ll be covered fully.
Kind regards
Hi Silvia. I have subscribed to “IFRS 1 Day course” today and am going through it. But it is not covering all the IAS & IFRS standards. Is it covered by IFRS Kit course?
No, because the aim of IFRS in 1 day was to give you the real quick introduction to the world of IFRS, so that you can tackle the basic accounting problems yourself. IFRS Kit neither covers all standards – it covers the core standards in real depth, so that you are able to solve the most difficult IFRS issues. For full listing of IFRS Kit, please refer to http://www.cpdbox.com/ifrs-kit.
Hi Silvia,
Weldone for this great IFRS materials. They are really helpful.
Please does your IFRS Starter kit plus package covers conversion from UKGAAP/USGAAP to IFRS?
Many thanks
Hi Abiola,
thank you, I’m really happy that you like my training!
IFRS Starter Kit Plus contains the video on How To Make IFRS Financial Statements – it is about conversion from the local accounts (whatever) to IFRS. It describes the steps you need to take in order to prepare IFRS balance sheet and income statement from your local trial balances.
Kind regards
I am impressed with the content rich free stuff advocated by your good self. I am an ACCA member and an Ifrs trainer myself. Further, I gain my insights from your stuff as well and wanted to congratulate you on your excellent contribution to IFRS teachings. Maany Thanks. Regards, jkjiwani,ACCA.
Thank you for your feedback, it means a lot to me!
I wish I can pay for the course ‘How to Make IFRS Financial Statements’. I admire what you are doing.In my country lecturers and facilitators talk only theory and therefore you get more confuse at the end of the day. Am accountant by profession but struggle with some of the standards.
God will bless you
Hello, thank you! I give out some discounts for people in need, people just need to ask 🙂 Have a nice day!
Hi Silvia,
I am from Bangladesh. I enrolled your free course. This is very useful and helpful. It is so organized and well presented. Anybody can easily grab it. My big salute to you for doing such an wonderful job to help accounting people over the globe specially people from the country like Bangladesh.
God bless you.
with kind regards,
Hi Mahbub,
that’s great to hear this, I am really happy that I can help people somehow 🙂 Thank you for your feedback, it means a lot to me!
Kind regards
Thank you so much Silvia. I have been watching your videos on youtube and learning so much about IFRS without paying anything. You are doing an amazing job helping a lot of people like me. I will get back to you once i am finished with this course. Peace
Hello, Ifran,
thanks a lot for your comment. The YouTube videos are just a fraction of my free IFRS course. All subscribers get e-mail lessons with clear explanations of IFRS plus accounting examples solved in Excel so that anybody can review the formulas and logic behind.
Best regards
I want to get the course but what is IFRS?
Hello, Negassi,
IFRS is an acronym for International Financial Reporting Standards. You can read more in our article What is IFRS.
Silvia, IFRSbox.com