How to calculate deferred tax with step-by-step example (IAS 12)
Deferred tax is not a new concept – however, it is the concept quite misunderstood by many. Well, first of all – deferred tax is NOT a tax to be paid. Instead, it is an accrual for tax, working similarly as any other accrual or…
IAS 12 Income Taxes
Benjamin Franklin once wrote: “In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes“. Income tax is something that can hardly be avoided by a profit-making company. You might find filling-in the tax return a demanding task because everything must be…
Global Minimum Tax – Who? How? Any IFRS Impact?
when it comes to taxes, the world can sometimes feel like a vast and intricate puzzle. Different countries, different rules and different rates. Hmmm, that sounds like a good scope for tax planning departments of huge corporations, isn’t it? Why not designing some nice and…
How to determine the discount rate for lessees under IFRS 16?
Can you use the same incremental borrowing rate for all your leases under IFRS 16? Why can’t you use your own implicit rate in the lease if you are a lessee? Learn here!
Deferred tax when different tax rates apply
What if the tax rate on capital gains is different from the tax rate on profit? How to calculate deferred tax on assets that will be recovered via both use and sale? Learn here!
What is the lease term of cancellable property rental contracts under IFRS 16?
What is the lease term under IFRS 16? How to account for definite or indefinite lease term with 2-months notice period? Learn here.
Projected Unit Credit Method (IAS 19) with Example
Recently I got across the interesting question. One lady working for a company adopting IFRS for the first time asked me if they can still mark their financial statements as compliant with IFRS, if they do not apply projected unit credit method, but do apply…
How to account for rentals depending on inflation and future sales?
What if your lease payments depend on future sales, inflation, use of the asset, interest rate or other things – what should you do? How should you account for them under IFRS 16? Find out here!
How to present leases under IFRS 16 in the statement of cash flows (IAS 7)
How to incorporate leases under IFRS 16 into the statement of cash flows – solved example with video.
How to account for dividends paid to employees?
The accounting for the dividends paid to employees depends on whether the employee is a shareholder or not; and whether the dividend was paid out to employees in their capacity of shareholders. Learn more here.
Recent Comments
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