IAS 2 Cost Formulas: Weighted average, FIFO or FOFO?!
During my ACCA studies some years ago I had an amazing tutor. He was very smart, always to the point and on top of that, I simply loved his dry British sense of humor. When we talked about inventories, he told us a story about…
The Best of CPDbox 2015
The year-end is coming closer and closer; the closings have already started to push their pressure on all of us, the exam season approaches and we live the busy lives. I know that this part of the year is usually the second busiest for any…
How to Account for Spare Parts under IFRS
One of the biggest issues related to property, plant and equipment is accounting for spare parts, servicing equipment, stand-by equipment and similar items. IFRS standards are pretty silent about this topic, the guidance is very limited and as a result, companies need to rely on…
Current or Non-Current?
Most balance sheets present individual items in distinction to current and non-current (except for banks and similar institutions). This seems so basic and obvious that most of us do not really think about classifying individual assets and liabilities as current and non-current. We do it…
How to Capitalize Borrowing Costs under IAS 23
Should you capitalize or not? When it comes to determining the cost of your assets, most standards ask to include all directly attributable items. What about interest and other borrowing costs? Did you know that if you have 10 dollars in your pocket and no…
Can you capitalize it as PPE or not?
Last update: 2023 Is it an item of property, plant and equipment or a part of its cost? Or is it a piece of inventories instead? Or just an expense that goes straight in profit or loss? Hmmm, what about an intangible asset? In 90%…
How to Account for Artwork under IFRS
A few weeks ago I visited our dentist together with my little 4-year old girl just to check up everything’s OK with her little teeth. While we were sitting in the waiting room, my little one playing with the small teeth replicas (OMG!), I looked…
IFRS and US GAAP come closer to each other and the dream was to have a single set of the reporting standards until 2015. Now we know that that dream did not come true and there is still a long way to go. Until then, there…
Recent Comments
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