Example: How to Consolidate
Updated in 2025: Step-by-step solved example of consolidation under IFRS 10 with video. You will learn exactly WHAT you are doing and WHY you are doing this. If you apply this systematic method, your balance sheet will always BALANCE with no errors.
IFRS 3 Business Combinations
When should you apply IFRS 3 and when IFRS 10? What is the difference between IFRS 3 Business Combinations and IFRS 10 Consolidated Financial Statements? Today, I’d like to continue our “consolidation” series and after the introductory lesson and the summary of IFRS 10, let’s…
IFRS 10 Consolidated Financial Statements
In my previous article I introduced the world of group accounts and consolidation to you. You learned that there about 6 IFRS dealing with this topic. Here, I’d like to summarize the first “consolidation” standard dealing with the consolidated financial statements: IFRS 10. What is…
IAS 21 The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates
These days people use about 180 currencies world wide! The truth is that we, people, don’t want to stay isolated. We love to sell, buy, import, export, trade together and do many other things, all in foreign currencies! When you look at the business world,…
IAS 7 Statement of Cash Flows
Ignoring an accrual principle??? What?! No way! That’s the basic accounting rule we should all follow! Yes, of course, you’re right. BUT: There IS an exception. The statement of cash flows. Preparing the statement of cash flows might become the biggest accountant’s nightmare. Why is…
Our machines are fully depreciated, but we still use them! What shall we do?
Do you work in the production company? And did you find out that some of your production assets are still in operation but they were fully depreciated? In this case, the original estimate of machinery’s useful life proved to be incorrect. Here’s one of the…
Top 5 IFRS 2014 and 2013 Changes
The year 2013 started off with some really significant IFRS amendments that you need to take into account when preparing your IFRS financial statements as at 31 December 2013. Although these changes should be applied in the year 2013 for the first time, you also…
IFRS 2 Share-Based Payment
Does your company remunerate its top management by granting them own shares? Or, do employees receive bonuses based on the increase of the company’s share price? Transactions whereby companies pay for the goods or services received by issuing shares or similar instruments are very…
Hedge Accounting: IAS 39 vs. IFRS 9
Business world as of today presents a huge amount of various risks to almost every company or entrepreneur. I’m sure that also your company faces at least some of these risks: foreign currency risk, price risk, inflation risk, credit risk – just name it. Many…
IAS 36 Impairment of Assets
Did you know that the world-wide economic crisis followed by the recession caused a sharp downfall of assets’ prices? In some countries, the prices of property fell by 30-50%! Such a steep and fast decrease had an impact on the IFRS financial reporting, too. Companies…
Recent Comments
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