How to Make Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows with Foreign Currencies
Did you know that many groups prepare their consolidated cash flow statement completely incorrectly? And, if you are well-experienced accountant, you can actually spot the faulty numbers instantly when you look to the statement of cash flows. Sadly, this wrong method is often taught in…
Top IFRS Changes for 2016 and Later
The guys in the IASB (International Accounting Standards Board) are working very hard – it’s evident from lots of new standards, interpretations and amendments produced every year. In today’s article, I’d like to sum up the main changes in IFRS adopted in the past years…
Current or Non-Current?
Most balance sheets present individual items in distinction to current and non-current (except for banks and similar institutions). This seems so basic and obvious that most of us do not really think about classifying individual assets and liabilities as current and non-current. We do it…
IFRS for Banks and Financial Institutions
If you work for a bank or any other financial institution, then you are very well aware of the fact that IFRS is a little bit different there. OK, not quite like that: IFRS is still the same, just the way how you use it…
IAS 7 Statement of Cash Flows
Ignoring an accrual principle??? What?! No way! That’s the basic accounting rule we should all follow! Yes, of course, you’re right. BUT: There IS an exception. The statement of cash flows. Preparing the statement of cash flows might become the biggest accountant’s nightmare. Why is…
2 Steps to Distinguish Other Comprehensive Income from Profit or Loss and Changes in Equity
Update 2023 – please scroll below to download 1-page infographic summing this all up. Totally free. Some time ago, standard IAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements significantly changed and introduced the statement of other comprehensive income. And then it began: lots of confusion, frustration and…
Brief IFRS Glossary
International Financial Reporting Standards are usually presented in a certain structure. Most of IFRS is clearly subdivided into several chapters that carry their titles, for example: Recognition, Measurement, Derecognition etc. This article defines the main terms as used in IFRS and shows example of their application….
How to Prepare Statement of Cash Flows in 7 Steps
How many times did you sit with the head in your hands worrying about the statement of cash flows? Lots of work, preparation, calculations, adjustments…. and damn it, figures just do not add up! It’s very frustrating and creates headaches. I’ve been there. You might…
How to Adjust Your Local Accounts to IFRS (Part 2)
In the first part of this small series, we have explained preparatory steps for making transformation of local accounts to IFRS. Here, we continue with summing all this up and preparing transformation bridge as the basis for IFRS accounts. Step 3: Prepare a bridge in excel…
How to Adjust your Local Accounts to IFRS (Part 1)
Today’s accounting world works on a single set of accounting and financial reporting standards. As a basis, IFRSs happen to play a crucial role. Nowadays, we are witnessing a huge progress of convergence to IFRS—not only by US GAAP, but also other countries are adopting…
Recent Comments
- Joe on How to Account for Government Grants (IAS 20)
- Essam Alshammaa on Example: IFRS 10 Disposal of Subsidiary
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- Silvia on How to account for free assets received under IFRS
- Salman Sohail on New window blinds in a leased office
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