IFRS 17 – The 3 Greatest Misconceptions
To err is human. But the following mistakes are not the ones you can afford to make in a board meeting or a job interview. Because, no matter how right these notions sound or how prevalent these views are, they are still very “wrong”: IFRS…
Accounting for CAPEX threshold and its change under IFRS
What happens when you buy lots of assets below your capex threshold, but still high expense? And, should you revise your capex threshold retrospectively? Learn here!
What is the lease term of cancellable property rental contracts under IFRS 16?
What is the lease term under IFRS 16? How to account for definite or indefinite lease term with 2-months notice period? Learn here.
Projected Unit Credit Method (IAS 19) with Example
Recently I got across the interesting question. One lady working for a company adopting IFRS for the first time asked me if they can still mark their financial statements as compliant with IFRS, if they do not apply projected unit credit method, but do apply…
Contract Asset vs. Trade Receivable – What’s the Difference?
What is the difference between contract asset and receivable? When to book a contract asset and when a receivable? Learn here (with example)!
ECL: How to Measure Probability of Default
Expected credit loss challenges many experienced accountants and finance people, because it contains the element of uncertainty and some sort of guessing or estimating what can happen in the future. That’s why it is “expected” after all. I wrote a few articles about the process…
How to account for warranties under IFRS 15?
Should you book a provision for warranties under IFRS? Or, is it a separate performance obligation and you should allocate some revenue to it? Find out here!
How to Write Notes to Financial Statements under IFRS
Warren Buffett once said: “Other guys read Playboy. I read annual reports.” This is a profound statement indicating that Warren Buffett actually takes his time to go through a complete annual report, including the financial statements and notes. Thus, Mr. Buffett does NOT consider the…
How to account for rentals depending on inflation and future sales?
What if your lease payments depend on future sales, inflation, use of the asset, interest rate or other things – what should you do? How should you account for them under IFRS 16? Find out here!
IFRS Reporting in Hyperinflationary Economy (IAS 29)
How to report in hyperinflationary economy under IFRS in three steps: with the video!
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