
We do not have any financial assets, except for trade receivables. Do we have to apply Expected Credit Loss rules under IFRS 9?


Yes, of course, because the trade receivables are in fact financial assets at amortized cost under IFRS 9.

However, it is NOT that difficult, with the right data.

You do NOT have to apply general model and determine the stages depending on the receivable’s performance and credit risk.

The reason is that IFRS 9 offers some exceptions:

  • “Short-term” trade receivables (WITHOUT significant financing component): apply simplified approach – the ECL allowance is measured as lifetime ECL, and you can simply derive the percentages of credit losses and create a provision matrix;
  • “Long-term” trade receivables (i.e. WITH significant financing component): you have a choice here: either apply general model and determine your stages, or just use simplified approach as with your short-term receivables.


ECL under IFRS 9 trade receivables

Further reading

Here are more detailed articles about ECL under IFRS 9:

Also, we would like to draw your attention to our course ECL for Accountants focusing on trade receivables – this course will give you the strong knowledge and practical tools to calculate your ECL provision on trade receivables.